News/ Blog

The Wand on RNZ National Radio June 26 2024

Simon Brown was interviewed on New Zealand's National Radio station about The Wand.

A link to the download  is here; RNZ Wand

New Product Release; Wand 14-4 Master Turntable and Series B Products March 14 2024

Wand 14-4 Master Turntable

The Wand 14-4 Master Turntable is a new release and builds on the design of the existing 14-4 turntable by adding the Wand Iso Base unit that enhances the performance of the 14-4 by improving its isolation from vibration and electrical noise. It is also available as a retro-fit unit for existing 14-4 turntables.

Electrical isolation is gained by using a battery supply built into the base (Also separately available as The Wand EV). This can run for a day after an overnight charge. The battery supply also significantly improves the perceived dynamics and resolution

The Isoacoustic® Gaia feet are an added tier of isolation and complimentary to the Zentroidal™ isolation system in the 14-4. As well as a gain in resolution, there is added foot fall isolation. The Gaia feet are located with one at the back and two at the front for ease of levelling.

At the same time the new Series B (Black) 14-4 turntable also gains the Carbon fibre Wand Mat™ and silk finish carbon fibre top deck which further improves resolution and is complimentary to a change in cosmetic finish to black.

Founder / Designer, Simon Brown describes The Wand Series B Tonearm is the biggest change in design in the ten-year history of the arm. It is particularly aimed at addressing the installation issues of some users. The key changes for this are the introduction of a plastic protractor, a change in rear weight system and new micro mount system.

The new system allows users to adjust the overhang using a screw thread with extreme accuracy (0.5mm or 20 thou per revolution). A quality German screwdriver is provided and is used for all settings. This ties in with a new clear plastic protractor which condenses ten years of experience into this setup multi tool.

The first magazine review is here; This Turntable Runs on Batteries and Sounds Incredible

2023 Was a Great Year for The Wand! January 27 2024

Munich High End 2023 Wand Analogue DeVore Room
The year pivoted around Munich High End, with a lot of preparation to be able to show prototypes of the new Wand 14-4 Master turntable and Dark-Light tonearm in the DeVore Loudspeaker room.
The second half of the year involved working with new Distributors in Hong-Kong, Greece, Canada, Singapore, and Turkey as well as getting the Wand 14-4 Master turntable ready for production (formal release will be in the next few weeks. The Dark-Light will be mid-year as we can’t everything at once)
The Wand was on demo at seven Shows in 2023 (including Munich, PAF, Athens, Hong-Kong, CAF and Singapore). First Show of the 2024 is to be in Dallas in March.
If we finished 2022 with an EAR Product of the Year for the 14-4 turntable, there has been a continuation with some exceptional reviews
-Michael Fremer’s review of the Wand Plus tonearm; Concluding “. I auditioned it on a $33,995 Acoustic Signature Montana NEO and its performance amazed and actually baffled me. How can something this inexpensive perform so well in every possible sonic and mechanical parameter—but especially in the bottom octaves? I don’t need an answer. It just does.”
-Michael Trei’s recent review in Stereophile where he said; “...the Wand's extraordinary ability to present the vivid shades of a rich tonal palette, each instrument sounding remarkably realistic and true. I have never before heard Gary Peacock's recorded sound presented with such clarity and vividness.”
- HiFi Review Magazine in Hong-Kong loved the Wand 14-4 concluding; “If I were asked to choose the most value-for-money and good-sounding analog system in recent years, 14-4 + 9.5 inches + Phasmation PP-200, it has to be this combination. It is indeed a Magic Wand.” They then went on to buy the review sample which has to be the ultimate accolade.
-A great UK HiFi Plus review of the Wand 14-4 turntable; “I would wholeheartedly recommend this turntable and arm combo. It is well made, beautifully finished and turned in an excellent performance. I would rate it as one of the very strongest contenders at the price.”
All the best for 2024, it will include more exciting Wand stuff to come including a major refresh of existing products and the Wand Mat and record Weight.

Great review for The Wand 14-4 in Hong Kong September 23 2023

HiFi Review magazine Hong Kong have reviewed The Wand 14-4 turntable concluding; If I were asked to choose the most value-for-money and good-sounding analog system in recent years, 14-4 + 9.5 inches + Phasmation PP-200, it has to be this combination. It is indeed a Magic Wand.

New 2023 Wand Products May 23 2023

At Munich High End and Pacific Audio Fest 2023 we are showing prototypes of new products, we have to have these available at the end of 2023

Wand 14-5 turntable: this is an additional model and gains the following features:

  • Carbon fibre record mat and top plate 
  • Battery supply integrated in separate base unit.
  • Additional vibration  / shock isolation using IsoAcoustics feet
  • Provision for se tonearm mounting

Wand Dark - Light Tonearm 

  • Tapered armtube for dispersal of vibrations
  • 10.3in nominal length (but may be mounted at 210, 222 or 246mm)
  • Fully adjustable 

Michael Fremer Tracking Angle review of The Wand Plus Tonearm May 09 2023

Michael Fremer has just published his Tracking Angle Review  of the Wand 9.5in Plus model toneam

He concluded; I auditioned it on a $33,995 Acoustic Signature Montana NEO and its performance amazed and actually baffled me. How can something this inexpensive perform so well in every possible sonic and mechanical parameter—but especially in the bottom octaves? I don’t need an answer. It just does.

For the full review see; Link

Wand 14-4 Turntable in Product of the Year List December 07 2022

Great to be listed as one of EAR's "Best Hi-Fi Components of 2022"
Thanks to @theeareditor and Chris Beeching for his review.
Also excellent to share the podium with my Australian friends Serhan+Swift for their Mu2 Speaker

Another great review for The Wand Turntable in EAR Magazine October 06 2022 1 Comment

EAR Magazine Editors Choice Wand 14-4 TonearmA musicians perspective, Chris Beeching said;

"There is something so definingly, assuredly resolute about the way in which it presents, or rather allows me to access, music. It’s unfussy, unpretentious, and at its heart, actually quite basic, but so very well engineered. The arm ‘just works’, and for me has now set a benchmark. Maybe not the absolute ultimate that could be achieved in vinyl replay, but for the money that’s being asked, so close that it needs serious consideration where the emotional content of music of a prerequisite."

New Product Release: Wand EV Battery Supply September 08 2022

 The Wand EV Battery Supply is designed to get the best out of the already low noise floor of the Wand 14-4 Turntable and Wand EQ Phono stage. 

As a battery supply The Wand EV provides a silent stable electrical basis for both these products while also having the capability providing big momentary currents to maximise dynamics of the system. A bit like the acceleration of an EV car.



  • ~8 hours running time when fully charged (Overnight charging)
  • One EV can run Wand 14-4 Turntable & EQ Phono Stage at the same time.
  • Allows direct comparison between battery and mains power supplies.
  • Can be used totally independently from the mains.
  • Mains supply allows you to continue to listen to music while charging.
  • 24V Sealed Lead-Acid Battery (Centre positive)
  • May be shipped without special arrangements as there is no risk of fire.
  • Plywood case designed to visually match Wand 14-4 turntable and Wand EQ Phono stage. (A double sized Wand EQ phono case).
  • Hand-made in Aotearoa / New Zealand.
  • Dimensions; 210w x 255d x 48h
  • Weight; ~3.6kg (unit)
  • Price TBA but approximately 75% of Wand EQ
  • Available November 2022
  • So new, we haven’t even got proper photos!




Wand EV User Comments (All comments are from Wand users who have changed from the standard supplies and in some cases after-market audiophile supplies):


  • “There is an openness and transparency that feels more apparent than with my previous power source. It’s like the instruments are more separated, especially the Bass which feels tighter and more contained - ‘less muddy’. There is certainly no loss of bass notes, but it feels more like an instrument with its own identity than just tone within a song, especially with more complex rock music. The silence of the battery helps the depth and detail too. The unit is amazing, you are on to a winner” Dion
  • “Definitely makes a difference. So far, I’ve noticed a clarity when listening at low levels. Bass is more extended too” Andy
  • "With the EV powering my TT and EQ, improved musical dynamics and synergy across the full audio range are so impressive. Ian
  • “… an improvement in all directions. Such a great difference and everything opens up way further and very organic to my liking. You are on to something, I’d say.” Himi

Wand EV Information Sheet Link Here 

The Wand Turntable given Golden Groovy award by Paul Rigby July 19 2022

Paul Rigby / Audiophile Man has given The Wand 14-4 a 10/10 score and a special  “Golden Groovy” award.

Concluding; "The Wand is a work of art. If you can afford The Wand - get it"

For the whole review on YouTube see; 

Great German Magazine test of Wand 14-4 turntable with 14in arm July 04 2022

HiFi Test Magazine in Germany  concluded;
If you are looking for a turntable with a difference that will bring some sunshine and fun to the system - this is it. The mighty fourteen-inch arm also proves to be perfectly suitable for everyday use
For the full test see here (Google translate on the HiFi Test website);

Awesome Roy Gregory review of Wand 14-4 Turntable February 04 2022

Not only does Roy Gregory review The Wand 14-4 turntable and Plus arm but puts it up there with turntables many many times the cost. He concludes; It gets very close indeed to many of the massive and massively expensive competition, only really giving ground in terms of looks and finish.

10/10 Review for The Wand 14-4 Turntable June 08 2021

NZ On-line magazine Witchdoctor has reviewed The Wand 14-4 Turntable giving it 10/10.

Andy Baker concluding;

With its careful engineering and attention to noise/vibration elimination, the 14/4 helps better portray what’s there on the record, in the grooves. Detail, dynamics and timbres are more easily conveyed as a result of that solid resonant-free foundation and your chosen cartridge is able to truly shine. Mid or high-end cartridges are great of course, but don’t think a cheaper model isn’t worthy – at least until you can afford something higher up the ladder. ...... an exceptional turntable that sounds as good as its looks may lead you to expect. Better, in fact. True, it’s not cheap, but you’re buying an upgradeable, tweakable, wonderfully conceived piece of equipment which, for some vinyl enthusiasts, is likely to be endgame. 

Introducing The Wand EQ Phono Stage July 31 2020

A great partnership, The Wand 14-4 turntable and Wand EQ phono stage

The Wand EQ Phono Stage was designed by our fellow Kiwis at Pureaudio and voiced by us to go with The Wand tonearm.

Its name EQ evolves from the fact that it was fine-tuned to maximise the Emotional Quotient of music that may be resolved in vinyl. It uses an extremely low noise dual J-FET input and power supply to compliment this and the detail resolution possible from The Wand 14-4 turntable and tonearm. It operates purely in Class A.

The Wand EQ is switchable for Moving Coil Cartridges or Moving Magnet cartridges and impedance / capacitance on the back panel. It is available as a stand-alone unit or as a module inside The Wand 14-4 turntable.


The stand-alone unit is housed in an acoustically inert plywood case on a tripod of feet for vibration isolation. Finally, in keeping with a product that is 90% handmade in Aotearoa / New Zealand, the plywood is hand rubbed with Manuka Beeswax polish, connecting with audio enthusiasts who literally want the unvarnished truth.



  • Gain (@1kHz): MC 62dB, MM 40dB
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz within +/-0.3dB of RIAA spec
  • Input Impedance: 82, 100, 475, 47k Ohms switchable (and 220pF switchable)
  • Hum & Noise: >80dBA (referenced to 5mV input)
  • Distortion: <0.01% in normal operation
  • Output Impedance: 100 ohms
  • Power consumption: 2.5WThe Wand EQ Phono Stage and Wand 14-4 turntable

Locked Down but not Out! April 21 2020

Like most people in the world currently we are in Covid 19 Lockdown but being a home based business we are by no-means Locked out. We are still making products, even if there are some delays in shipping to some places.

OK, we should have been exhibiting at the AXPONA HiFi Show in the US at this moment but it has just changed what we are working on. In anything it gives us even more time to develop new products, ironically helped by the quieter noise background of Dunedin, New Zealand at this time.

We have done other thinks like set up Instagram to compliment our Pinterest archive. See;  The Wand 14-4 Turntable and Tonearm

(Photo credit; Dion)

Inside The Wand 14-4 Turntable September 30 2019

The design aim of the Wand 14-4 turntable was elegant simplicity. But there is a lot more going on inside!

Link to the details here (200kB PDF)

Inside the Wand 14-4 turntable


The Wand Tonearm and Turntable at Munich High End 2019 July 30 2019

The Wand Turntable and Tonearm at Munich High End 2019.
As well as being displayed on the stand of our German Distrubutor, Input Audio (Halle 3 J11). We were honoured to be asked to join with VTL amplifiers (USA), Gerschman Loudspeakers (Canada) and Nordost (Cable and supports) in sharing a demonstration cabin in Halle 1, A14.
The Wand turntable and arm will be there and playing.
Drop by!

Show Time for The Wand Tonearm and Turntable! July 30 2019

Last weekend was the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and our busy US Distributor, Dave Cope from Old Forge Studio showed to critical acclaim with The Audio Beatnik described the sound as "simply divine".

Our former Distributor, Marc Phillips also has written this great piece for Part Time Audiophile about our room in Part-time Audiophile.

The system was; The Wand turntable and 10in Plus tonearm with an EMT Lime cartridge. The Rethm Margo speakers in the Old Forge Audio room were driven by a Pure Audio One integrated amp and LV-1 Phono stage.

Also on demo at Melbourne Show this coming weekend (19-21 Oct) in the Magenta Audio Room.

Then Old Forge Distribution is back in action with at the Washington Capital Ausiofest Show.

Meanwhile there will be Wand tonearms in the Input Audio rooms at a couple more German Shows, Analog Forum in Krefeld and Mitteldeutsche HiFi Tage before the end of the year.

The Wand Turntable is getting closer... February 03 2019

A stack of production specification plywood chassis awaiting assembly.......

First (pre) Review of The Wand Turntable September 28 2018

Richard Varey has posted his inital impressions on NZ Tech site Witchdoctor, which are very good! A full review will follow later.... ( )

New US Distributor and California Show for The Wand! July 27 2018

New US Distributor and California Show for The Wand!

We are proud to announce that David Cope of Old Forge Distribution is the new US Distributor for The Wand Tonearm and Turntable. David is wasting no time heading off to San Francisco for the California Audio Show this weekend (With Newly printed Wand Teeshirts).

 Dave come from a background involved in Audio Note and has more recentlyformed Old Forge Studio for audio sales and recording. The Wand is part of a new Distribution wing. Photo below of The Wand Tonearm on Dave's Garrard 401.

Happy to have The Wand Tonearm described as 'stupidly great" ! by Michael Fremer May 10 2018

Reflective Blog on Turntables and The Wand Turntable (with cool photos) January 28 2018

Philosophical Audio Blog (Including The Wand Tonearm) with wonderful photos; Canberra Dealer / HiFi Artisan "The Factory Audio" has one of the coolest audio websites, partly because the owner Bill takes stunning photos and has a great Blog page. Dr Walter Kudrycz has written an interesting reflection on his recent audio experiments. Have a look at this for the ideas or the cool photos;

"Best Buy" for Wand Master 9.5in tonearm from Fidelity Magazine Germany. December 20 2017

The reviewer concluded ; ......The Wand Master can set new standards. Its relatively reasonable price lifts it very high up the Best-Buy-List. The New Zealander already has a fixed place high on my shopping list.

He used Ortofon Winfield and Grado Reference cartridges on a TW Acustic Raven turntable and compared it (favorably) to Thomas Schick and TW Acustic arms...

Thanks to Hans and Bernd for the translation.