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Milan & Turin Shows and new Italian Distributor for The Wand Tonearm September 08 2014

We are proud to announce our new Italian Distributor for The Wand Tonearm.

Ayon Italia distributes an exciting range of products throughout Italy. As the name implies, they are Distributors for the rather wonderful Austrian Ayon Audio valve amplifiers Link. as well as hi-end Swiss speaker makers Lumen White.

Ayon Italia has a particularly strong suite of analogue products, from the appropriately named Lumen White Mystere turntable, through to two great ranges of phono cartridges, Miyajima Lab representing handcrafted MC's and Nagoaka, quality Japanese MM cartridges.

The Wand Tonearm is literally and figuratively able to bridge between these components.


Even more exciting is that there will be an opportunity to see these products at the Milan Audio Show  27/28 September 2014.

And soon after to hear them at the Turin Show in October. We hope to have The Wand Tonearm mounted on the Lumin White Mystere turntable.


For more details contact Ayon Italia