Wand Turntable Reviews

Link to Wand Phono Stage Reviews
Wand Master Turntable; Audiotechnique H-K Translated Extract PDF 139kB
Wand Mat and Weight; Translated review extract from Audiophile.fr PDF 250kB
First Wand 14-4 Master Review (Witchdoctor NZ); 10/10 This Turntable Runs on Batteries and Sounds Incredible Or PDF extract 500kB
Stereophile Recomended Component; Class A https://www.stereophile.com/content/recommended-components-2024-edition-turntables
Class HiFi Review Hong Kong #448: Concluded; If I were asked to choose the most value-for-money and good-sounding analog system in recent years, 14-4 + 9.5 inches + Phasmation PP-200, it has to be this combination. It is indeed a Magic Wand. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0600/1121/files/Hi_Fi_Review_HK_Sept_23_Summary_Extract.pdf?v=1694338125
HiFi Plus; https://hifiplus.com/articles/design-build-listen-wand-14-4-turntable-wand-plus-tonearm/
Concluding; So is it worth the money? Absolutely, it is. I would wholeheartedly recommend this turntable and arm combo. It is well made, beautifully finished and turned in an excellent performance. I would rate it as one of the very strongest contenders at the price.
The Ear; Editors Award Review https://the-ear.net/review-hardware/the-wand-14-4-the-wand-plus-10-3/
Paul Rigby / Audiophile Man has given The Wand 14-4 a 10/10 score and a special “Golden Groovy” award.
Concluding; "The Wand is a work of art. If you can afford The Wand - get it"
https://theaudiophileman.com/the-wand-turntable-on-youtube/ (Video)
https://theaudiophileman.com/the-wand-14-4-turntable-review/ (Text)
HiFiTest (Germany) Concluded; (Google translate on the HiFi Test website);

With its careful engineering and attention to noise/vibration elimination, the 14/4 helps better portray what’s there on the record, in the grooves. Detail, dynamics and timbres are more easily conveyed as a result of that solid resonant-free foundation and your chosen cartridge is able to truly shine. Mid or high-end cartridges are great of course, but don’t think a cheaper model isn’t worthy – at least until you can afford something higher up the ladder. ...... an exceptional turntable that sounds as good as its looks may lead you to expect. Better, in fact. True, it’s not cheap, but you’re buying an upgradeable, tweakable, wonderfully conceived piece of equipment which, for some vinyl enthusiasts, is likely to be endgame.
LP Magazin (Germany) 05/19 Issue
Reviewing The Wand 14-4 Turntable / Master 12in arm (with Lyra Delos cartridge) concluded;
(Translated) "
The Wand 14-4 is not a turntable for beginners and listeners who just want to hook it up and start listening. His somewhat idiosyncratic construction requires a little effort from the listener, who wants to deal with the matter. But as soon as he has let himself play the grooves from the "Wand", he will "walk" his LP shelf up and down and put up one LP after the other. The Wand 14-4 is on the whole much more than its parts may reveal, and the audiophile Olympus is not far from here.
Conclusion / Bottom line ...
“Impressive package from New Zealand, which combines one of the best single-point tonearms with a thrilling turntable to a sonorous and convincing whole.”
Internet Magazine Review links;
Show reports;
http://www.avshowrooms.com/capital-audiofest-2018-awards-showreport.html (Gold award at Show)
Customer reviews;
This turntable is supurb!!! Wow! Detailed and sublimely musical! Bravo! Better musically than my $20k EAT. Mike, Australia
The 12 inch Wand with ATOC9-II Cartridge that normally resides on my beloved Technics SP10 MkII was a breeze to swap and set up on the Wand turntable. Dropping the needle was a revelation to say the least. Sheer detail, depth of image and a sense of rock solid pitch made me wonder if I had been "barking up the wrong tree" with direct drives all these years. This is clearly one well engineered and seriously well designed turntable. Andy, Timaru NZ
Having lived with a few turntables, and built the odd one, hearing a pre-production Design Build Listen turntable stood out for me. Not by comparison to so many classic and good turntables, but rather because, like The Wand, its new approach is musically quite rewarding.
The large diameter laminated platter and electronically controlled DC motor belt drive seem to offer improved impact from tight low frequencies to detailed midranges and clear high frequencies. ….It simply works. I liken the sound to a Lenco 75 on a fitness plan; more direct dynamic sound, but still very musical. It’s not easy to get this balance right. I think it’s what a post-digital era modern turntable should sound like. It also looks great! Rob, NZ
The turntable presented the recorded music with assurance on a stable sonic platform with excellent timing. High range dynamics including vocals had a nice spatial separation and were presented in a realistic full bodied manner. Depth and placement of supporting instruments from the midrange to higher frequency spectrum was a particular strength. Musically all the elements are presented with clarity and a sense of togetherness within a discernible soundstage. Jon, Dunedin NZ
Comment from a listener after Milan Show 2018; “Speaking about your turntable I think it's VERY good! …..They put a very good jazz record on; the song I heard was o cover of "blue rondò" with a Hammond and a (tenor?) sax... Well, first I noticed the drum, it was explosive just like a Lenco, then the motor stability ... wow! (and an Hammond with Lesley who execute long notes, or a long saxophone whispered note are HARD to reproduce...I used to play drums in bands with Hammond and Brass). Well done, I'm pretty impressed (the bass is also really good)”
Simon has his Wand TT/Master 10.3 arm/Hana SL system back now, after my extended 2 week audition in my (all) Sanders 10e ESL system, in my listening room…. What I heard was indeed the next step shift for me..
In my system I was pleased to hear such a musically satisfying TT/arm/cartridge. It very clearly has all the musical replay strengths of my Linn and Well Tempered Simplex, and improves on these. I listen critically to potential new items into my system by demo’ing voice and acoustic instruments - notably ECM recordings and MFSL pressings. The Wand system nails these and of course other genres. The Wand has the desired synergy in my system - frighteningly realistic imaging (holographic?), cohesiveness reproduction with outstanding detail retrieval across the full audio range; tonal and timbral accuracy and crucially, provides emotional engagement, sonically. It just replays music so great. I’m overwhelmingly convinced, Simon has my deposit Ian, Dunedin NZ
The Wand turntable with a 10.3" arm was yet another leap forward. Yes there was a noticeable improvement in spatial "aliveness" and tonal accuracy, but most of all a wonderful musicality that lets you forget the gear and just listen to the music. Simon has my order! Richard, Dunedin NZ
I have setup and listened (LYRA Delos): as expected the sound is more than good. …The transient, notes decreases, silences between note are well reproduced. The constrained layer platter do the job and I like the methacrylate in contact with the LP. The reproduction of harpsichord is great. Jean-Francois FR
The Wand 14-4 Turntable has arrived; I’ve set it up with the EMT Lime and all is very, very well! No deep listening impressions yet, as a crew is demolishing the lady’s room on the other side of one wall. I CAN say the bass is extended, punchy and well-defined, and pitch is rock steady - sustained piano notes are no bother at all. (The bane of my existence on other tables.)
Annie Lennox’s ‘Diva’, particularly “Legend in My Living Room” is a MUST to show this combo off. This with the Shindo Monbrison and Cortese 10w single-ended stereo amp and DeVore O/96.
Another standout: Newvelle Records’ Year One: Jack DeJohnette’s Solo Piano album. The piano has unusually convincing weight, body and impact. Mind, there’s a baby grand in the room, so there’s a good reference handy!
Dave, USA