2023 Was a Great Year for The Wand! January 27 2024

The year pivoted around Munich High End, with a lot of preparation to be able to show prototypes of the new Wand 14-4 Master turntable and Dark-Light tonearm in the DeVore Loudspeaker room.
The second half of the year involved working with new Distributors in Hong-Kong, Greece, Canada, Singapore, and Turkey as well as getting the Wand 14-4 Master turntable ready for production (formal release will be in the next few weeks. The Dark-Light will be mid-year as we can’t everything at once)
The Wand was on demo at seven Shows in 2023 (including Munich, PAF, Athens, Hong-Kong, CAF and Singapore). First Show of the 2024 is to be https://www.southwestaudiofest.com/ in Dallas in March.
If we finished 2022 with an EAR Product of the Year for the 14-4 turntable, there has been a continuation with some exceptional reviews
-Michael Fremer’s review of the Wand Plus tonearm; https://trackingangle.com/.../what-s-the-magic-in-the-wand Concluding “. I auditioned it on a $33,995 Acoustic Signature Montana NEO and its performance amazed and actually baffled me. How can something this inexpensive perform so well in every possible sonic and mechanical parameter—but especially in the bottom octaves? I don’t need an answer. It just does.”
-Michael Trei’s recent review in Stereophile where he said; “...the Wand's extraordinary ability to present the vivid shades of a rich tonal palette, each instrument sounding remarkably realistic and true. I have never before heard Gary Peacock's recorded sound presented with such clarity and vividness.”
- HiFi Review Magazine in Hong-Kong loved the Wand 14-4 concluding; “If I were asked to choose the most value-for-money and good-sounding analog system in recent years, 14-4 + 9.5 inches + Phasmation PP-200, it has to be this combination. It is indeed a Magic Wand.” They then went on to buy the review sample which has to be the ultimate accolade.
-A great UK HiFi Plus review of the Wand 14-4 turntable; https://hifiplus.com/.../design-build-listen-wand-14-4.../ “I would wholeheartedly recommend this turntable and arm combo. It is well made, beautifully finished and turned in an excellent performance. I would rate it as one of the very strongest contenders at the price.”
All the best for 2024, it will include more exciting Wand stuff to come including a major refresh of existing products and the Wand Mat and record Weight.